Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Homework this Week due 5th October

Hi Grade 5, I'm just marking your Beatrix Potter reports. They are really, really good! I need you to post your final copy to your blog. Remember to include a picture to make the post more interesting. You have earned a couple of special drawings lessons. I hope that you are ready? You will need to bring some A3 sized paper and your graphite pencil. I have made some view finders for you which you can buy from me. They are Rp 20.000 each. I had to go to Bogor to get a special kind of hard plastic as it is safer for you to use than glass.

You will also need a drawing board. I have some at school but there was only enough board for 9 people. The size is about 70cm X 50cm or just a little larger than your drawing paper. You might prefer to have your own so you can bring it home to practice on. Your first task tomorrow will be a drawing test so you will need to bring a small hand held mirror.

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