Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our First Right Brain Drawing Lesson

Well done Grade 5. You had a lesson drawing a Picasso sketch upside down. Here are some of the students' work. These drawings were done upside down so that the students would learn to 'see' with their right brain. The knight comes from a sketch done by a sixteenth-century German artist.

Here are some of the drawings done yesterday:


Marchell said...

Thank you for putting my picture into our class blog God bless you!

Michelle Pranoto said...

Thank you because you have put my drawing into our class blog!
May God bles you!

Jane Ross said...

You're welcome. GBU 2!

Christina Alizka said...

Mrs. Jane, you read my mind! Me, my dad and my mom wanted you to put it. You are a mind reader sometimes! God bless you and your family!