Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Religion Project due next Monday 24 September

Hi Grade 5,
You have a small project to write about the origin/history of your group's chosen religion study. You will need to write in your own words (300 - 400)
Include pictures of religious symbols and the meaning
Include a map showing the location of where the religion started
Include at least 4 resources in your bibliography - print resources or online resources. You will need to post this on your blog.

The rubric is:

Knowledge - Including at least 8 facts about the history. Include this in your report and not as a separate list. (8 points)
Spelling - (2 points)
Punctuation - (5 points)
Report writing style with introductory paragraph and conclusion (5 points)
Relevant pictures must include religious symbols and the meanings and a map showing where the religion started. (5 points)
Bibliography with at least 4 resources in alphabetical order - (5 points)

TOTAL - 30 points

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