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Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

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Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Rhyme Machine

HI Grade 5,
This week in English we will write a national anthem for your country. Think about what you want to include. I have some tools to help you. We will do this on Thursday.

An online rhyme machine
You can use it to help write your Dreamworld's anthem.

In rhyming poems, you usually only need to rhyme the last word of each line. In other words, you don't need to make as many rhymes as possible. Don't write the fat cat with the hat sat with the bat on the mat and that was that. Instead try rhyming just the last word of each line, like this:

My family has a cat.
He's really, really fat.
He sat on daddy's hat.
Now daddy's hat is flat.
In fact, you don't even have to rhyme the last word of every line. The easiest way to write a rhyming poem is to rhyme the last word of every other line, like this:

Hercules avoided
baths and showers all week long.
Though it left him awfully dirty,
no one ever smelled so strong!
In the poem above, only the words long and strong are rhymed. So if you can think up just a few words that rhyme, you can write your own rhyming poetry.

Other good online resources

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