Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

Grade 5 Billy Carts Made by the Students Themselves!

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Some of the Grade 5 Mottos

Raymond "Discipline, never give up, don't look anywhere, look forward to God"
Alizka "We save, we love, we care"
Marchell "Have friendship, have faith"
Amanda "Put your faith in God"
Hansen "Have no fear, because God is near"
Desiree "Earth, faith and God"
Andrew "Where ever you go, God will always protect you"
Kevin "Don't look back just look to God"
Brodie "Be close to God"
Mandy "Faith, honesty and bravery"
Michelle "We're together as one"
Jennifer "Protection, faith and cooperation"


amandakad said...

Mrs. Jane, I decided to change my motto to "Put your faith in God" so that it makes more sense.


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